Passing It On

This weekend was very productive for me. I managed to go to a few yard sales with my daughter and picked up an album (yes, vinyl) of Merry Christmas with Bing. That may not sound like a big deal, but that is the album most played at Christmas when I was growing up. I have fond memories of those songs playing while my mom and I unpacked all the Christmas ornaments and put up the tree. There were always cookies to be baked too and the smells of good stuff wafting through the house. The promise of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer on TV was always something special and a Charlie Brown Christmas. These are the memories of my youth and now I have the chance to pass that down again to my daughter. Of course, she’s used to me playing Bing and Frank and the rest all the time anyway, but there is something special about that particular album. I can’t be in a bad mood while it is playing. I just can’t.

Also this weekend I was able to introduce the niblett to a classic Halloween Horror movie. We watched the original House on Haunted Hill and she screamed just like I did. Good ole Vincent Price. There will never be another like him. No gore, just good, old-fashioned, scare you out of your wits suspense. They don’t make them like that anymore. She loved every minute of it. It also inspired her to find The Munsters on Netflix. She is in love with that show. I have enjoyed so much watching these episodes and remembering when I was a kid and thought they were the coolest. One day I’ll move her on to Gilligan’s Island, but one thing at a time.

True, I’m not a big fan of Fall, but it does have lots of fun holidays to celebrate and it does encourage me to do things with my daughter that I wouldn’t ordinarily. So, the yard sales will be gone soon…no worries…there are plenty of thrift stores out there just waiting to be sorted through. There are also the Halloween parties to go to and the Thanksgiving cooking to do and the after Thanksgiving shopping to get to. There is much to be excited about this time of year, even if the weather is cold. There are also board games to be played and cocoa to be consumed while the weather outside is frightful. This warm weather girl is going to make the most of it this year!

If you have lovely traditions or fabulous memories from your childhood please share them with your kids. Take them back to the days when TV was in black and white and music involved actual stories and not just words that rhyme. Give them a little piece of the wonderful times we lived in, if only for a while. These moments are priceless and they will never forget them. That’s something that money can’t buy. I’m just sayin…

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